Upcoming Events at THE CHAPEL! (Click to View)


2837 W Harvard Ave., Roseburg, Oregon 97471

theperfectoccasion@yahoo.com | (541) 817-2212


ANDREW CALVERT - Owner and Curator of The Chapel

Welcome to THE CHAPEL

Originally a Free Methodist Church that was later slated to become a Dollar General store, the old green metal roofed building on West Harvard has been refurbished and transformed into what is now known as The Chapel. The Chapel is a 6400 square foot event space with its rustic lodge vibe features a dining area known as The Great Hall perfectly suited to host bridal or baby showers, birthdays, receptions, and the increasingly popular holiday-themed supper club dinners. The breathtakingly beautiful Sanctuary is used for weddings, musical performances, religious services, holiday celebrations, or just a safe place to reflect and pray. The third-floor studio apartment style area is the perfect setting in which to host more intimate, family-type gatherings. All of these and many more unique areas make The Chapel a ‘must see to believe’ experience that should be personally witnessed by everyone!

Welcome by Andrew Calvert

Piano Medley and Postlude by Teresa Wilkens

Scripture by Sarah Calvert & Prayer by Kalisi Vosa

“Love is God” Sermon by Pastor Carl Wilkens

“Revelation” Special Music by Nicole Boehland

PA by Louis Calvert

Freeze Dried Rose Petals donated by Flyboy Naturals

Epic Piano Concert at The Chapel on 10.22.2022 featuring the Students and Teachers of Southern Oregon Music Academy.

Easter’s Eve Concert at The Chapel on 04.16.2022 featuring Melody Germany and Leah Alliman.

producing weddings since Y2K!

Dedicated in Loving Memory of Freda Smith